The most important points
Therefore, we recommend you to seek professional advice about health insurance in Germany, especially if you have a visa appointment coming up or you are unsure about your status or insurance options.
How do I get a certificate of good conduct?
You can get a certificate of good conduct at the “Bürgeramt” (local council), without an appointment. Simply go there and ask for a ‘Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis’ or apply for it online here.
Customers who book through the Helpling platform are guaranteed a selection of things:
This means that to become active on the platform you will need to become/be vetted.
In whole Germany the certificate of good conduct costs 13 Euro
Do apply for the certificate of good conduct you need your identity card or passport.
When you receive your criminal record, please upload it on your profile.
If you still have questions feel free to give our team a call. You can reach them on +49 30 568 38030.
Business license
Helpling works together with self-employed cleaners. Thus, you freely decide where, when, and how many offers you accept. If you want to become self-employed, you need a business licence. You will receive this from the appropriate authorities on the same day!
How it works:
Step 1:
Download and complete the business license form. For help, completed form is provided.
Form: Berlin
Step 2:
To get your business license, you will need to make an appointment at your local “Gewerbeamt/Ordnungsamt”. Please find below the links to your local sites. Please note that not all cities provide english translations of the websites:
Value added Taxes:
Many self-employed cleaners are “Kleinunternehmer” (small businessmen)! Kleinunternehmer are exempted from the Umsatzsteuer (§ 19 UStG). Businesses can count as small business if the turnover, including the applied taxes, in the last legal year was below 17 500 Euro and will presumably not surpass 50 000 Euro in the current legal year.Income tax:
At a taxable income of below 8 820 Euro, self-employed cleaners normally do not have to pay income tax (§ 32a EStG). If you earn more than that you can calculate your payable income tax Einkommenssteuerrechner des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen.Business tax:
Up to a business revenue of 24 500 Euro self-employed cleaners can be exempted from the business tax (§ 11 GewStG).This is how you become an active cleaner on the helpling-platform
Cleaning Tips from the expert Roxanna Pelka
Roxanna Pelka is a trained domestic manager. In the context of textile and object care, she has taught trainees, among other things, the system of room cleaning as well as the chemical processes and composition of cleaning materials. Afterwards, she spent years working in 5-star hotels in Berlin and the Maldives as Assistant Housekeeping Manager. There, she was responsible for the control of the rooms. She is working at Helpling since 2014 and is the contact person for the cleaners using the Helpling platform.